Immigrant Hispanic women have high first marriage rate

Hispanic women born outside of the United States marry for the first time at a higher rate than U.S.-born Hispanic women. A new report from the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University found that there were 57.0 first marriages per 1000 never married foreign-born Hispanic women in 2018. This exceeds the first marriage rate of U.S.-born Hispanic women (39.0), as well as that of white women (52.3) and black women (21.3). This finding is consistent with a 2014 research brief from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families which found that more foreign-born Hispanic women (36 percent) reported being currently married than U.S.-born Hispanic women (26 percent).

Reproduced from: Schweizer, V. (2020). First marriage rate in the U.S., 2018. Family Profiles, FP-20-01 . Bowling Green, OH: National Center for Family & Marriage Research.

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